Comment 65574

By Stop the poverty pimps (anonymous) | Posted July 05, 2011 at 15:23:25

D Knox: Public policy is shaped by philosphy? Not really, it is shape by those who are in charge of things, the power brokers. They set an agenda, which in the last 16 years or so, the poor cause all the problems.

I get a kick out of the property owners who cry about their property taxes going up, yet, it seems they had no cajones to speak out or stand on a line when the federal government, then the provincial cut back transfer payments and laid it on the backs of the municipalities.

I went to the social assistance review event last night and it was more of the same old crapola, that was spoken the last time about four years ago when they were circulating around for the poverty reduction bill. Same old masters spewing the crap, same old politicians, same old parties, nothing moves forward. They are protecting their own status in the community and wages as well.

Som for the psoter who was talking about their spouse teaching some sort of subject, tends to place blame on the victims, yet very little at attacking the very process that puts social assistance recipients into useless programs, that lack any reality of the the job market today and the clear lack of jobs.

All agencies must comply under the WORKFARE ruless, it is in the Ontario Works Act 1997.

So like the city worker who is not unionized, whining that they got no raise and their property taxes went up, boohoo, do I feel sorry for you, not in the least, you are a product of your own environment. Organize, do not blame others for your lack of initiative to actually stand up and fight for something.

Thosw who struggle can be part of the solution, they can offer input, that would be more reflective of what is needed oppose to those who earn an living in the poverty industry, shooting thier big mouths off. Many of them in the poverty industry are tyrants, do not beleive in any democratic process, yet are always yapping about a whole lot of nothing. meanwhile many go without food, shelter or any visible assistance to the world in which they find themselves.

Never been on the system, you have nothing to say period!

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