Comment 65554

By jason (registered) | Posted July 05, 2011 at 10:41:15

geez, Boston botched a highway project that resulted in deaths, massive delays and massive cost over-runs. Does that mean we won't build anymore highways?? I'm sure there are plenty of stories of poorly built homes that collapse or had severe damage. Do we outlaw all new home construction?

Bob took a lot of flak for his 'platform schmatform' stuff during the election, but one thing he was consistent on was his desire to be the Ambitious City again and bring new glory years to the city. LRT is his best chance to see that happen. Being the mayor who brought that to fruition would be legendary. One of things we don't need to overstate is the disruption to businesses along the corridor. If the corridor was bursting with commerce and business people fighting and out-bidding each other to locate there, we probably wouldn't need an LRT system.

Comment edited by jason on 2011-07-05 10:50:41

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