Comment 65502

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted July 04, 2011 at 07:54:58

Specifically, significant impacts include:

Generating $439.3 million in value added in the provincial economy (in part as a result of the multiplier effect); generating $296.2 million locally. Maintaining 5,441 jobs in Ontario and 3,383 locally.

Generating $144.6 million in provincial and federal taxes and $6 million in local taxes. Increasing salaries and wages by $ 260 million provincially and $162.7 million locally.

You make it sound as if the government has managed to invent a fiscal perpetual motion machine: using tax dollars to generate tax dollars. Which cannot be what you mean, so I must be missing something here.

So can you elaborate a bit on how people who are receiving money from the government are generating revenue for the government? I ask in all earnestness.

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