Comment 65474

By johnny (anonymous) | Posted July 01, 2011 at 12:43:30

Most of these anti-union posts characterize unions in some way as cheating, or ripping off the employer. They fail to realize that unions came about as a way for the government to regulate the power of the people to organize and fight for their rights. People have always had the advantage in numbers, and during the first half of the 20th century they kicked ass against the interests of capital (the moneyed class). Labour legislation allowed the employer and organized workers to come to agreements in a reasonable fashion, and gave reasonable time-frames to do this, stating within the laws that its purpose was to "equalize" the power imbalance between worker and employer. It also minimized the likelihood of work stoppage by giving the parties time to reach agreement, and allowing reliable and reasonable arbitration processes.
The Harper government, in messing with this process (and it has done considerable damage), lets loose the prospect of unregulated labour unrest. Remember the Winnipeg general strike, and the march to Ottawa. People can't be oppressed forever.
Maybe they think that the advent of SunTV's views will change the minds of Canadians. Don't be a chump, support the working class. Higher wages are better than lower, for Canada, and the world. People aren't stupid, they will see their own interests eventually.

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