Comment 65382

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted June 30, 2011 at 10:52:56 in reply to Comment 65374

Are we so hopelessly engrained in our car culture, that when somebody does something illegal and reckless that seriously injures someone - that we blame the victim because they weren't taking the required safety precautions for trying to navigate our city in any way other than behind the wheel of a car?

Yes. We are.

And this is why there's so much latitude provided seniors and most other drivers. (Though manslaughter-via-driving sentences have gotten much harsher, the status quo is still 'To take away someone's license is a last resort'.)

I've experienced first-hand just how attached people are to their driving...and this is magnified enormously with the elderly, who see it all the more in terms of a threat to their independence. When a license is taken away...especially when it's permanent...the fallout is complicated...and not pretty at all.

We need a paradigm shift...but I don't believe it's going to happen as some might wish.

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