Comment 65187

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted June 26, 2011 at 07:29:51

So if I have my bearings right for this block...behind it to the north, on Rebecca was the old (second location?) of the bus terminal. (Lord, the memories...) And to the south, on King William, the distribution centre for The Spectator. (I'm going back to the 60s here). The surrounding area included Waddington's on John, a great musical instrument place, with some superb instructors.

I can recall sitting parked in that lot with my dad on countless Saturdays while my mom was off shopping at The Right House, Kresge's, Eaton's, Robinson's, etc. I distinctly remember some billboards on the side of the Spec depot, especially a Hamilton Tiger-Cat one. (And for the cinema buffs out there, within walking distance were The Capitol, The Palace -two Thomas Lamb beauties- The Century, The Hyland and The Tivoli.)

I'm actually amazed that this project has been initiated. A green space might not seem to be much of a big deal to some, but I can see this being 'the thin edge of the wedge'; who knows to where this might lead?

I hope that the City receives the kind of creative and thoughtful input that Hamiltonians are capable of. (Just imagine; this is a chance to contribute something to the process that's at the opposite end of the engagement spectrum from 'protest'. Whoda thunk it...?)

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