Comment 65156

By Capitalist (anonymous) | Posted June 24, 2011 at 14:04:46 in reply to Comment 65099

The report also said:

"When discussing the impact of the proposed LRT opinions were mixed. Many
participants were of the opinion that the LRT was a good tool for encouraging
development and intensification while others were concerned about the possible
effect on larger economic issues, especially increases in municipal taxes that were
identified as a factor in discouraging development. There was general consensus that
in order to realize investment in intensification it is essential that changes to policy
and incentive programs be implemented along the corridor before construction begins
on the LRT."

Your LRT is a pipe dream. To suggest that investment will flock dt because people can get get from eastgate to McMaster 5 mins sooner is just a crock. They said that when we got GO Train and where is the dt investments? You want to bring investment to the dt? Ease up on the zoning restrictions and stop turning the dt into a ghetto. Who wants to buy a condo beside a methodone clinic or a halfway house?

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