Comment 65144

By Nord Blanc (anonymous) | Posted June 24, 2011 at 11:48:00

This "blitz" is old news, no?

April 12, 2011:

Police in the core have launched a safety strategy to deter pedestrians from disobeying traffic signals or failing to use a crosswalk.

The program started at the beginning of the month and continues to Dec. 1, focusing on the Division One patrol area bordered by Sherman Avenue to the Dundas/Ancaster border and from the bay to the Escarpment.

“The overall goal … of this initiative is to reduce those numbers of collisions involving pedestrians, at the same time educating and enforcing the rules of the Highway Traffic Act as it relates to pedestrians in the community,” said Sergeant Terri-Lynn Collings.

The “pedestrian safety enforcement strategy” is being conducted by patrol officers in Division One, who will observe a zero-tolerance policy for those they catch disobeying the regulations, Collings warned.

According to Ontario's Highway Traffic Act, pedestrians failing to use a crosswalk or disobeying a “don't walk” signal can face a maximum fine of $50, she said.

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