Comment 65001

By Freedom Seeker (anonymous) | Posted June 20, 2011 at 23:37:59 in reply to Comment 64993

I had a very good friend, now dead, who was an engineer on the Turbo when it was in service. He had some interesting stories to tell. Investments that could have addressed the trains reliability issues were intentionally not made, suppliers of critical spare parts that were often out of spec. or otherwise unusable "out of the box" for the train were able to retain their contracts, and there were large sections of the route where the tracks would have allowed the train to run 50 miles per hour or more faster than was dictated by "head office". The reason? The government of the day felt that if if the Turbo service was "too good" it would cut into Air Canada's business on that route. He was a man who took pride in his work, and it left him quite bitter for years that he was not able to provide the best service possible to his passengers purely as a result of politics. Such are the perversions that result from Statist monopolies.

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