Comment 64850

By Nord Blanc (anonymous) | Posted June 13, 2011 at 12:33:33

Heritage is no small part of that community identification. Considering that the Mountain essentially stopped at Concession until the late 1920s, then surged out to Rymal over successive decades, the lack of generational identification with their "neighbourhood" is not as strong. This is less true of certain post-war builds -- Ancaster’s Spring Valley, for example, maybe Dundas' Pleasant Valley. To Hamiltonians of a certain age, the Westdale would be seen pretty much the same, I'm sure – it's an interbellum suburb, but still a suburb. Since the 80s, people tend to identify suburban neighbourhoods as developers' subdivisions – Ancaster's High Park, for example – which seems as valid as surveys.

Gets complicated, though. Where would you expect that the Bartonville neighbourhood would be found – Main & Kenilworth or Barton & Sherman?

There's also the urban propensity to self-identify as a neighbourhood resident, something that is generally of less concern to suburbanites. That creates its own spin-off effects, especially as displaced Torontonians venture here.

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