Comment 64837

By Deliverance (anonymous) | Posted June 12, 2011 at 21:20:06

My wife and I have a lot of land, a few cats and two big dogs for decades, we have been to many zoos. After respectfully touring (with purchased peanuts) the Kilman Zoo, it took a while for the shock to turn into sadness and here we are on the net trying to figure out why this place is legally opened and why they are allowed to squeeze in more animals. Horrible, sad, the animals are going mental,pacing, hiding, the other ones who have already snapped, stand or lie motionless alone in their small cheap welfare mickey mouse cages or hide. From the owl, to the bear, to the cats, to the monkeys, foxes etc....reminded me of the movie Papillon...these poor turned mental cases of animals would have more enjoyment and happiness from an escape and then getting shot through the head in nearby fields, innocent pain ending in another exploitation. Also, the place is dirty and the workmanship of the small butchered forest looks like it was created from a bunch of hillbillies who have stopped "hoarding" under medication.

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