Comment 64786

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted June 10, 2011 at 00:12:48 in reply to Comment 64780

Mississauga's tax revenues grew 27.4% from 2005-2009, while spending only grew 18.7%.

Hamilton's tax revenues grew 17.4% in the 2005-09 time frame, while spending increased 45.7%.

In fact, Mississauga has approximately $17,359 in accumulated surplus per person, while Hamilton has just $7,760.

If lower tax rates are supposed to be bad for a city's finances, how is it that Mississauga is so much stronger financially than Hamilton?

Not that you're asking, but here's a way Hamilton could lower tax rates while also reducing the risk of revenue shortfalls...

Call Harper's bluff.

1) Harper professes to love tax cuts.
2) Hamilton has very high taxes/rates
3) Harper is a politician and therefore has no problem spending money to buy votes.

Knowing these three things, city council should introduce a massive tax reduction and then advertise this tax cut as a local version of Harper's GREAT vision for Canada.

If Harper supports this tax reduction, he is then on the hook if the added revenues don't show up. If he balks at it, he will have to explain why he supports HIS tax cuts, not just politically, but ideologically.

Who knows, if we become Harper's biggest supporter, we may even generate enough personal goodwill that he fast-tracks Hamilton's LRT.

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