Comment 64750

By misterque (registered) - website | Posted June 09, 2011 at 01:05:26

I think a large part of what is exhausting those of us who actually do innovate is that we have heard all this before. About 12 years ago there was an Innovation Center built at Clappison's Corners. There is even an Innovation Drive that is still there. We heard all the same fan fare, all the same pie eyed prognostications of promise as we do with the Innovation Park. So now there is another Innovation center opening up. So what, the reality is that life is actually much worse for most Hamiltonians after 12 years of innovation. Less jobs, less disposable income, less stable savings, more expensive communications, inaccessible education, more expensive food, more expensive fuel, more expensive rent, lower wages and less benefits.

The point is that innovation is useless as long as the same collection of douche bags are running the show. Since they will not allow any sort of innovation that may impair their bottom line, nothing will change. Innovation should not be just about starting a business and creating another RIM. Innovations like limiting the usury fees of credit card companies, or allowing for true cell phone competition to benefit the consumer, or setting investment standards for internet and wireless that allow Canada to catch up with the entire continent of Asia. If the people that represent us in power cannot manage such things, then using words like innovation is meaningless. Innovation is reduced to two possible things: 1) ways to get more money of out people, 2) cute things that the poor think of to try and get by.

Looking at the sponsors of Innovation Factory it is very unlikely that you will be able to make the world a better place without getting your funding pulled. Innovative Centers of Excellence in Creativity Collaborations are great photo ops and tax breaks for those in power. Nothing for rest of the world. We have seen and heard this all before. And I mean this with all sincerity, good luck.

Comment edited by misterque on 2011-06-09 01:07:09

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