Comment 64719

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted June 08, 2011 at 10:58:13

It takes vision and commitment to make things happen. We don't have that in our Council. They have no sense of long term planning, dreams and budgeting to change and grow this city over a long period of time. Never take any chances. They just know how to get elected and complain about taxes to get elected.

There's also a distinct lacking on the citizenry's part. In terms of impetus, in terms of how they see The Amalgamated City Of Hamilton, in terms of what they 'want'. (Never mind that I doubt you could get much consensus from various quarters of Hamilton about what's important. What's a priority. Nothing new here, this isn't peculiar to Hamilton...but it is part of the malaise.)

You can't think creatively, brilliantly when you're essentially living in a malnourished state.

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