Comment 64658

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted June 07, 2011 at 00:00:19

I believe you have things a little backwards. In Canada when a car is involved in a collision with a pedestrian or cyclist the automobile is automatically at fault. The onus is then on the driver to prove that the pedestrian or the cyclist is at fault. The police at the scene are charged to get the facts and if it is clear that the driver is not at fault then the case is closed. If there is doubt as to what happened the driver is either charged or the case remains open and the investigation continues. That is why sometimes months later there are no charges laid and the case remains ongoing. Even without charges the automobile insurance will automatically cover the pedestrian if the pedestrian has no coverage.

Up until now there is no requirement for cyclists to have insurance but there has been talk about that for a number of years and it is likely to come into effect at some point in the future.

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