Comment 64490

By Grom (anonymous) | Posted June 02, 2011 at 22:57:39 in reply to Comment 64484

That sound you hear in the foreground is you eating shit. Do we live in undergraduate women's studies la la land? No we don't. Therefore, as has been pointed out, its prudent for girls not to dress like complete tarts in certain settings. Regardless of all this pompous bullshit, it can attract unwanted attention and can be dangerous (though still not justifying aggression from asshole guys of course.) If you disagree, then go put on a gold onezie and assless chaps and go take a stroll through South Chicago. You won't. Why not? Cause you'll get a cap bust in your bleeding heart ass, that's why. This is unfortunate but true. So until Jesus and the care bears come and make the world a perfect place where there's no psychopaths, maybe using a little common sense can still be good.

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