Comment 64488

By I hate bullies (anonymous) | Posted June 02, 2011 at 22:42:07

Ms Priel should not be talking about zero tolerance for violence, I am talking about bullying, when we know that those who struggle are bullied all the time by OW and ODSP workers. I know of other city workers who engage in bullying the public, abuse of authority or power, yet when you make complaints, they go unanswered at times. They still keep their jobs, meanwhile many workers out in the private sector have no protection when it comes to bullying in the workplace. The usual answer is it is a personality conflict, which is BS.

Why hasn't Ms Priel come up with a uniformed policy that the public can use that ensures that all workers who are working in social services are giving out the same message to those who struggle?

How can it be that some workers do thier best given the constraints to try and serve clients in a respectful and helpful way, yet others act as gatekeepers and do not give out information?

Just recently I was targeted by a bully at a local job search location, I was apparently typing too loud, if there is such a thing. So we have a city worker who is mostly likely very bored and angry at their low level job and they feel that they can intimidate people with complete BS.

Maybe Ms Priel can explain why people working for the city can pass the buck, as I had tried to get info about dental stuff. It is apparent to me that no one knows anything and as people working as either customer service or information clerks seem not to want to anwser a person's question. If I am calling special income about how things work, why would that bonehead refer me back to another worker who told me to call special income in the first place?

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