Comment 64449

By Brandon (registered) | Posted June 02, 2011 at 07:55:48 in reply to Comment 64436

It's not difficult to answer, it's just irrelevant to the issue of rape.

When I read this last night I was so annoyed by it as you've now pivoted and suggested that clothing is not a factor in rape, which is what I've been saying the whole time.

But I've come to realized that essentially you've just proved the need for the Slutwalk, which, as I see it, is this:

1) As a private citizen, you are perfectly free to feel and say what you think about how a woman dresses and even be offended by it if you choose. But you aren't allowed to take her up on any perceived "offers" due to her clothing.

2) As a police officer, you cannot allow her clothing or perceived attitudes to affect the investigation of the situation.

Thanks Smitty.

Comment edited by Brandon on 2011-06-02 08:01:02

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