Comment 64436

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted June 01, 2011 at 23:11:59 in reply to Comment 64435

>> You have failed to define your terms.

How about this. The farther a woman moves away from what teachers are expected to wear, the more slutty the outfit is.

>> the idea that women are entirely responsible for male behaviour.

Rape is illegal and victim clothing is NOT a legal defense.

However, free speech is not a crime. Therefore, if a woman dresses very revealing, people have the right to say so.

If women want the right to express themselves through their clothing, why shouldn't others have the right to express themselves through their words?

Women call men geeks, losers, assholes, pigs, and other assorted terms and there aren't any "walks". If men and women are equal, do what men do and just deal with it.

>> suggest that there be some kind of external controls on the way people dress.

Show me a quote where I say that government should police clothing.

I will ask one more time...

Should teachers be able to wear revealing clothing while teaching our kids?

If not, why not?

Why is this so difficult to answer?

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