Comment 64419

By JasonAAllen (registered) - website | Posted June 01, 2011 at 21:07:20 in reply to Comment 64368

The GO Bus rollout is completely different from the TTC/HSR rollout. With TTC/HSR, once you've paid your fare, it's paid, and off you go.

With GO, it's all distance based, but it's nowhere near as simple as plugging the origin/destination into a GPS, because all of GO's distance based fares are based on Zones, not physical distance traveled. From what I understand, the workarounds to accommodate the zone based fare on buses, while still maintaining the integrity of the other 9 Transit Systems' fare systems have been nothing short of byzantine. Not that I'm any great PRESTO apologist, but comparing GO Bus fares and HSR fares is like comparing apples and battleships.

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