Comment 64407

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted June 01, 2011 at 15:25:13 in reply to Comment 64391

>> what does "dress like a slut" even mean?

If you resemble a prostitute, I think that would be considered slutty.

>> you're asking a hypothetical male authority figure what HE would choose for his daughter, as though its his choice and she has no agency.

I'm simply asking Brandon his preference on what he would prefer to see his daughter wear.

>> The entire debate, as you've chosen to approach it, is one about YOUR conceptualization of the term "slut" and how YOU react to women dressing provocatively.

The entire debate is about some women wanting to stifle free speech. They want to dress like sluts, but they don't want people to tell them they look like sluts.

This is from their website...

"When we first heard about the Toronto Police officer labeling women and people most at risk of sexual assault as “sluts”, we thought about making noise and demanding for more than an apology. We have a constitutional right to a freedom of expression and a freedom of assembly so we’re using it."

If women have the right to dress like sluts, do others have the right to say they look like sluts?

What is your opinion?

>> There's no compelling evidence that dress is in any way related to victimization, and even if it were, why is it an issue?

This is a good point. Apparently, there is little evidence to suggest that clothes cause attacks.

However, there is evidence to suggest that women who dress slutty, ARE treated worse by society after an attack.

In other words, laws can't make society feel sympathy for others, all they can do is put criminals in jail. If women want sympathy, they need to take this reality into consideration.

>> "We" don't make a point of telling men to avoid dressing or acting like hooligans to avoid fights in the street,

Not as much, but how many businesses want their employees to show tatoos, or show up with hoodies while at work? Not many.

>> a patriarchal society can't help but focus on controlling women's sexuality and appearance.

Name me ONE law that controls women's sexuality or appearance. As far as I can tell, the only law is complete public nudity and that applies to both men and women equally.

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