Comment 64385

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted June 01, 2011 at 11:28:49 in reply to Comment 64364

I will recognize you and give you as much access to the mayor, as need be, or information that I have - and especially at council, if you have a boss. If you're a journalist that has a boss that I can complain to, if I think that information is incorrect. If you don't have that, it's, you know- how do we control, um, the information?

Kinda sounds like it is.

There are fundamental differences between how big corporate media outlets like the Spec operate, and small community-based publications. Chapman would rather deal with larger ones, for fairly obvious reasons.

Indpendent media has grown enormously in this town over the last decade. A very large part of this was a very conscious effort to break the one-horse-town media monopoloy presented by the Spec and others. It's grown to the point where it can't be ignored by the Mayor's office.

It's a horrible response, and not likely to make many friends anywhere. Both the established media and other councillors will no doubt side with the public on this one, winning points at the expense of Bratina and Chapman. Can't say I'm sorry for 'em, either.

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