Comment 64345

By tenni (anonymous) | Posted May 31, 2011 at 19:16:31

hmm I basically agree with the request for council to look at this and define the semantics. I found the article struggling with language. Professional, independent media, etc. Exolain your language so that others may know what they plan on doing fits or doesn't fit.

What I am reading from Chapman is a request for accountability from media sources. Who may she complain to if she disagrees with how the blog, etc. has written. Dave and Martinus should be able to step forward with their process for accountability. What structure exists within the Raise the Hammer structure for her to complain to? Now,in Matt's case, I would like to hear him reply about accountability but it seems to me that both Dave and Martinus have a lot of personal control on what is published.

Good to bring this forward though.

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