Comment 64331

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted May 31, 2011 at 16:19:56

I find all of this fascinating. This period of time...where social media and the means to both 'broadcast' it as well as receive it are expanding into some truly awesome areas...will be looked back upon as a watershed interlude.

When you inform the political process with all this, you don't just get open data and the such...I believe you're going to get a slow paradigm shift towards an entirely different way of 'doing business'.

I'm also a bit dismayed that many of those who have chosen to serve the public just don't seem to 'get' how the workaday world has changed. And although I'm loath to say it, from my personal experience with politicians, it is very much a generational thing.

People here and elsewhere often go on about 'the old boys' network'. Well, from my point-of-view, the network we're witnessing here, the one that will find itself as useful as a buggy-whip sooner than they think, is perhaps an equally frustrating one.

Hats off to all those who are striving to make the most of what we currently have...while understanding that we're capable of having -and doing- much, much better.

'Illegitimi non carborundum'

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