Comment 64274

By thrillhouse (registered) | Posted May 30, 2011 at 22:20:50 in reply to Comment 64269

I'm having trouble with any confusion of the point. The point is simply that regardless of how a woman dresses or acts, involuntary sex is rape. There are no grey areas to parse.

Read the response to the first question of the interview above. They list a number of points for SlutWalk. They are all valid.

If you think SlutWalk must have a single point, you're probably wrong. I think that what you mention is by far the most important point. But it needn't be the only one.

You seem, however, to imply that if one disagrees that the above is the single point, one is somehow disagreeing with that point itself.

By doing this you are conflating two very separate issues. One is the ascription of a point to an event or process; the other is the point itself. And denying one certainly does not imply that one denies the other (e.g., one can deny that the point of taxation is to provide for the poor while still maintaining that charity is a very good thing indeed).

It's not complicated and it's not nuanced.

Right. And neither Borrelli nor I disagreed with respect to the point you're referring to.

Let's be clear here: I've never suggested in any way, shape, or form anything like what you've just stated.

I was thinking more of previous comments I've read. You never said this, my remarks were poorly phrased, and shouldn't have been read as implying otherwise.

Comment edited by thrillhouse on 2011-05-30 23:40:36

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