Comment 64269

By Brandon (registered) | Posted May 30, 2011 at 21:40:21 in reply to Comment 64268

This also means that clarifying the point of SlutWalk is a good thing.

I'm having trouble with any confusion of the point. The point is simply that regardless of how a woman dresses or acts, involuntary sex is rape. There are no grey areas to parse.

What's abhorrent is the "if you don't share my extremely particular views about how best to prevent sexual assault, then you're pro-rape" bullshit.

Let's be clear here: I've never suggested in any way, shape, or form anything like what you've just stated. There are plenty of ways to prevent or reduce sexual assault and I don't have a problem with any of them. What I have a problem with exclusively in this case is people suggesting that the woman is to blame in rape cases. It's not complicated and it's not nuanced.

There's a significant difference between being "pro-rape" and suggesting that perhaps people deserve what's coming to them. One implies that you'd be willing to do it yourself, but the other simply means that you're willing to excuse the actions of those who choose not to control themselves.

The movement is essentially angry women tired of being blamed for something horrific that happens to them. Worrying about the nuances of their message is kind of ridiculous when you get down to the core of it.

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