Comment 64245

By misterque (registered) - website | Posted May 30, 2011 at 15:20:11 in reply to Comment 64209

Thanks for the link to the thread. Very interesting. I could not figure out what CBD (common bile duct?) meant, and I presume that CMA has something to do with size of the city.

People that never ride the bus in Vancouver, regularly ride the trains. A train system would connect McMaster to the rest of the city allowing students to live anywhere along the line.

The first line needs to be part of a system that ultimately includes roads, sidewalks, bike paths, commuter trains and the like. A transportation system takes decades to build, and the plan needs to look beyond our lifetimes. If there is a chance to build a huge part of such a transportation system now or 30 years ago it has gotta be supported.

This is what Hamilton needs. Fight for the juicy part now, a transit line. Don't let the minutiae monkeys and vision-less gorms distract us.

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