Comment 64235

By Borrelli (registered) | Posted May 30, 2011 at 13:40:30

You won't hear from me that SW Hamilton isn't clear in elucidating its approach to use of the word 'Slut', Lindsay, but I don't believe that other local groups have been as clear as yours has. This is evidenced by your mission statement, the development of which is (IMHO) very important to old-school organizing, but which is also somehow absent from a lot of other SW's communications materials.

For example, I'll pick on Toronto because they have been the standard-bearer for the movement since the beginning. On their website, which can be argued is the public face of the movement, there is precious little concrete discussion about the aims of the movement and how they can be achieved.

Under the ABOUT-->WHAT section of the site, where I might expect to find a mission statement (like SW Chiacgo's or Vancouver's webpage), there is a recap of what happened in TO, but no specific demands or action-items are listed, although some space is used to mention the SlutWalk-branded merchandise is on the to-do list.

I think a proper discussion of the use of the word "slut", and whether reclaiming the term is a fundamental goal of the larger movement, is an important task that still needs to be completed because it is a sticking point for many people. If you need any evidence as to how the lack of resolution on this issue can quickly derail serious, constructive discussion surrounding the movement, see this discussion on TVO's The Agenda.

Even among a group of people you'd assume would be in agreement on many issues, things devolve into particularly unhelpful and solipsistic interpretation of intent around 16:00 (but the whole thing is worth watching).

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