Comment 63986

By 4elRT (anonymous) | Posted May 25, 2011 at 16:20:30

Mr McGreal is dead on -- the city folk (corporate management & elected ones) have gone eerily silent on light rail. They fell on the sword too fast with the whole stadium saga, settling for a $160M renovation & now, no one has the stomach (read: courage, vision, etc) to take on LRT. These guys & gals are more interested in fixing potholes, sidewalks & sewers than they are about tranformational projects. Even our illustrious Ward 2 rep is soft on LRT. He's more interested in sports (read: CFL and bringing an NHL franchise to Hamilton). The community leaders need to get on board and move this forward with all levels. Push your councillor; press city staff and don't forget our MPs and MPPs. The province shouldn't be expected to do this alone. And what about VIA? Hamilton is the 4th largest city in Ontario, yet the Hamilton VIA stop is in ALDERSHOT! VIA has a mandate to serve city cores. Let's press the feds too. Thanks for the article, Mr. McG.

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