Comment 63784

By Fred G (anonymous) | Posted May 19, 2011 at 14:48:03 in reply to Comment 63754

I don't think it's healthy for that kind of respect to exist.

The degree of power that we give should be limited to the bare minimum that we need in order for society to function. Those powers should be heavily overseen, and they should be revoked and re-assigned frequently due tot he fact that power always corrupts over time.

It can not be made illegal to challenge and audit those entrusted with power. It needs to be assumed that those given power will eventually abuse it. The system must ensure that once the abuse begins to occur, that the abuser can be promptly stripped of power.

All the while, those in power need to protect us from legitimate threats. It's a lot to ask, but it can be done, at least a lot better than it currently is.

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