Comment 63702

By Fan of John Orme. (anonymous) | Posted May 18, 2011 at 21:42:07

Good Evening everyone, especially you superintendent of Hamilton Wentworth District School Board. My name, do not ask. This is for one of my favourite teachers that used to work at Gordon Price, and SHOULD continue to work for it. John Orme, a teacher of Gordon Price of the HWDSB, was suspended last month for doing his job. Here is what happened, and I hope HWDSB is reading this because your making MANY students mad, John Orme, was teaching his class literacy in the computer lab so his students would be able to view a video called "Dear God" by a British group. After they were done watching the video, they were suppose to write down their opinions of the song, thats when things started to go wrong. The lyrics of "Dear God" were saying things about how god isn't real. As I stated earlier,the class was supposed write down their opinions, the class did except for one particular student. This student wrote down "I hate this because I believe in God and always will". This is where the problem starts, ALL he asked after that was to "stretch" out her answer and give a better explanation as to why she holds that belief, and the student said "It's just a faith thing. I couldn't think of anything about why. I just do". Upset, she stuffed the assignment into her pocket and brought it home to show her mom, instead of handing it back. That is my question, why get mad? It's just an opinion ABOUT the song. Sure the lyrics are upsetting but no need to get mad enough to come home in tears. He was TEACHING literacy, it's part of Orme's job, isn't opinions and connection part of literacy? Well, at least in my opinion, the assignment WAS part of the language curriculum for opinions. Maybe this wasn't appropriate for there level, but hey, he's just a first year teacher, we all make mistakes. Please forgive him, he was just doing his job and trying to help develop opinions.
Thank you,
sincerely, Torreto.

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