Comment 63566

By Borrelli (registered) | Posted May 16, 2011 at 09:18:24

"What we need, fundamentally, is more data, more often. This data needs to be far more detailed, and it needs to have binding influence on decision-making."

This assertion worries me too, a little. Not that I disagree with the idea in principle, I just am not sure where we can gather valid, reliable, high quality data that is robust enough to defend as binding on decision-making. Statcan used to fill this role as trusted collector of information, but it is being eroded.

The current government's assault on the systematic collection of high-quality data is the first step in undermining reason-based decision-making and replacing it with one based on gut-feelings and opinion. These feelings are then bolstered by data purchased from a stable of hired guns at public polling firms who know how to ask the right questions to get answers governments want to hear.

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