Comment 63270

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted May 09, 2011 at 17:41:48 in reply to Comment 63265

I'm sorry but it isn't about the voters. It's about the people that know they will never hold influence in government without it, convincing the voters its about the voters.

It's a phenomena of the world we live in where we teach our kids that it doesn't matter who wins, we don't have to keep score, life is fair, you get trophies for attendance and participation.

It's held up as a torch for democracy when in fact its a crutch for mediocrity and marginal points of view that represent largely narrow interests and niche issues.

It's a hobbling and neutering of democracy that hides behind the illusion it promotes consensus when in fact it creates indecision, watered down ineffective policies, and see's governments come under the sway of special interests that become king makers in flaccid directionless parliaments.

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