Comment 63229

By Brandon (registered) | Posted May 09, 2011 at 07:45:59 in reply to Comment 63188

So because an innocent baby is created through force (I agree, that is evil), it then means the baby is evil as well and is deserving of being killed? Why not take something bad (violence) and turn it into something good (love)?

And forcibly remind the woman every time she looks at the child of her rape? That's up to her, not you.

Yes, if a baby has massive birth defects and it is 100% clear it won't survive, then it makes sense to remove the baby.

I agree. If a woman is almost certain to die from carrying a baby, then it makes more sense to save at least one life, rather than have both mother and child die.

At least there is some rationality here.

You're correct. If a person fights against abortion, but then doesn't ensure that babies are also cared for in the formative years, they are a hypocrite.

And you don't?

Funny, you never answered my questions, so here they are again...

1) Do you consider unborn children to be unique people, or are they simply part of the woman?

Until about 5 or 6 months, I don't think that they're truly individuals. Even so, I feel the rights of the mother outweigh the rights of the unborn child.

2) If you do consider them unique human beings, then what right does anyone have to attack those unborn human beings, especially if they aren't a medical threat to the woman?

What right do you have to force a woman to bear a child? Once pregnant does she become the property of the state?

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