Comment 63223

By Henry and Joe (anonymous) | Posted May 08, 2011 at 23:38:23

As I travelled down Toronto's Avenue road last night, I was surprised to see that water main reconstruction still hadn't finished from when I lived there 7 years ago. Although it was a painful drive, I was quite inrtigued that the neigbourhoods lining the Avenue looked very Hamilton-esque, but the High street itself was very un-Hamilton - bustling cafes, high end retail, and trendy condo developments. A long bike ride along Main St. today gave a different feeling. Besides almost being sideswiped twice, the general lack of economic activity was a little discouraging. Being on a bike, there is more time to contemplate the what-ifs. I am not asking for Pusateri's and Ferrari dealerships...just some middle class retail, some eclectic shops and the odd restaurant or cafe. I liked the comment in an earlier thread about canning the rush hour parking restrictions. I don't see how anyone would want to open a business on a street that is hostile to pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists trying to park their vehicles. Oh also, can we have some kind of restorative justice (caning?)for people who honk and curse at motorists who are trying to slow down to park on our one way expressways.

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