Comment 63202

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted May 08, 2011 at 09:49:32 in reply to Comment 63142

Then who represents me in Parliament? Someone from my community no matter the party? Or some syncophant like Ruth Ellen Brousseau who has never stepped foot in the riding she now represents? Who determines what ridings get eliminated?

Who do I call when I have a question for my MP?

So by your opening statement, those that don't vote should have no representation and the vocal minority should rule the day?

Because they bitched the most and got a protest vote out?

Thats fair?

So to sum up, you would like to

End representation by population Eliminate local representation by eliminating ridings Institute PR so in theory someone placed on a candidate list for a party who is from oh say Thunder Bay represents me in Ottawa Have run offs to try and cull out more candidates that a particular voting bloc doesn't like.

No thank you.

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