Comment 63191

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted May 07, 2011 at 12:49:22 in reply to Comment 63186

Bob Lee, in 2010-11, the total Ontario government expenditure was $125.8B. Of that, $45.3B went to prop up the government monopoly health care system and $21.3B went to the government monopoly education system. In contrast, in 2008-09, Ontario spent only $1.9B on Ontario Works (cash welfare to the unemployed). That works out to only 0.32% of Ontario's GDP.

In your opinion, which is better for the economy and for people, giving money to inefficient monopolies, or giving it to needy people so that private businesses can compete for it?

If the amount of Ontario works was doubled, to $3.8B, not only would it likely abolish the need for people to line up at food banks, it would only increase the current budget by only around 1.5%.

Is that amount of money too much to help people who weren't blessed with the gifts that others take for granted?

For example, the current Ontario Works benefit is $572 for a single person. If rent is over $500, how does a person live on that? If that number was doubled, they could rent a place, buy food, clothes and not have to worry about ending up on the street.
All that for a fraction of the current Ontario budget.

Not only that, but that additional $1.9B in cash welfare would be spent in the free market, creating real jobs and profits, not government jobs.

That's not commie, it's just smart.

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