Comment 63122

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted May 05, 2011 at 16:57:16

I think the Bloc representation alone shows fault with this system. A seperatist party only represented in one Province recieving 49 seats in our House of Commons is ludicrous.

Every possible issue under the sun is talked about come election/debate time, but wouldn't fixing FPTP be something that would engage more Canadians and restore faith in our democratic system?

It's great that the Greens finally have a seat in the House, but they should have more as this article outlines, based on sheer numbers of Canadians who believe in their policies; not by ridings won. Same thing with the NDP of course.

How does this get changed? Who can be approached to open this up for discussion? Would any party touch this policy? If not, why?

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