Comment 62976

By more airstrikes please (anonymous) | Posted May 02, 2011 at 18:33:23

Well, up until last night I was thinking that Osama died in mid December 2001 of complications of kidney failure in Tora Bora, as was widely announced in the Arabic press at the time. That would have explained quite reasonably his lack of public appearances since then. No video just sketchy audio recordings. I'm sure even in Afpac they have cellphones with cameras.

But no, it seems that Mayday, the anniversary of Hitlers death, and the 8th anniversary of George Bush's "Mission accomplished" speech, (wearing a codpiece on an aircraft carrier), was to mark the end of "Operation Cyclone". No CIA pension for Osama, maybe it will help with the US deficit. A single day for all those events, keep building that meme.

So, the official story is he died with a rifle in his hands attacking the infidel, and invader of the nation of Islam. Sweet! a martyr on Jihad go to heaven, directly to heaven, do not pass "the horrors of the grave".

OBL can now get busy with those 72 virgins for the rest of eternity; White, beautiful, obedient, never on the rag or pregnant, free of feces (no fudge packing required in paradise) and "locked in their tent" so they are all there when you get home.
Of course, to go with, the super hard on, 100 times the sexual potency he had when he was alive! Whats not to like?

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