Comment 62867

By Borrelli (registered) | Posted April 29, 2011 at 15:47:43

Spec endorses Harper:

A decision by default, eh? Apparently their editorial board doesn't understand our democratic system either. Oh wait, they understand it, they just believe that the means justify the ends:

"It is that disregard for Parliament that most makes this a troubled endorsement. Harper has shown a strong inclination to go around Parliament, to bypass the processes and traditions that safeguard representative democracy. [...] But the Conservative track record also includes relatively sound fiscal management and a centrist approach to national social issues. As successive minority governments, they have earned our endorsement to govern again."

I cancelled my Spec subscription an hour ago. I won't read another word from a publication whose editors who dismiss ethics so easily.

Comment edited by Borrelli on 2011-04-29 15:48:42

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