Comment 628

By jason (registered) | Posted June 21, 2006 at 09:55:49

great discussion here folks.....we've been using our green cart since it arrived and usually only have a small bag of garbage out now (full of diapers!). Once our baby is done with diapers, I can't really see how we'll have any garbage. As for smell and racoons, I use the Spectator to line my bin. lay 2 full sections across each other then when you throw out the small bin at the end of the day, layer another 2 sections across each other on top of the food pile. I use the sports page for the small bin, since it fits in nicely. I'm working on a vine/arbour type of thing that will cover my blue boxes and green bin to protect them from the sun, but for now I haven't had trouble with bugs. During the really hot weather recently some slugs showed up so I poured in a small amount of white vinager and that took care of that.

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