Comment 62694

By Brandon (registered) | Posted April 26, 2011 at 08:17:34 in reply to Comment 62652

This is by far the most ridiculous statement I've ever seen from you.

If students were in fact like steel, then we'd have no problem in reproducing good drones on a regular basis, but unfortunately (?), they aren't.

Each child is different and has their own host of issues. Some will pick up on things quickly and then proceed to get bored while others require more time to pick things up, but once they get it have no trouble with it. Others can't really get it at all. It's like herding cats in a room full of mice.

Smaller class sizes leads to fewer students falling through the cracks and a better education for those students, which can only make them more productive in the long run because the teachers can focus on the students as individual and work on encouraging their strengths and working around their weaknesses.

I truly feel sorry for teachers. They're given responsibility for a group of kids yet not given any true authority over them. When they do assert what authority they are supposed to have they're often cut off at the knees by an administration that doesn't want to deal with any complaints.

A friend of mine was in a situation that went badly and he saw no other way to deal with the issue. While being disciplined, he asked what the correct approach would have been and he was told "Be nicer".

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