Comment 62689

By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted April 26, 2011 at 03:06:28

I agree with the comments about diapers, pet waste etc.. You cannot leave those things around for 2 weeks in the Summer. It's a health hazard, & it's disgusting. It's going to cause problems between neighbours, when the diaperless & petless are assailed by the smell from their neighbour's trash.

FYI. They do not make cloth diapers to fit adults, & with an aging population, there are lot of seniors using them. (& handicapped people)

I'm really tired of this business of always putting the pressure on the individual citizen/household to provide solutions to industrial problems like garbage. Everyone in my neighbourhood is doing the best that they can.

Hamilton Does Not provide re-cycling for downtown business's. If we have a garbage problem, maybe assist the companies (who create the most garbage!), & give them recycling! Many companies want to do it, but it's not available to them.

We need to stop allowing those huge bulk storage containers of garbage, mixed with organics, mixed with toxins. Even when private contractors rent out the bins & remove their contents, those contents still end up at the local dump, as Garbage.

In some places, a fast food outlet or restaurant share these containers with a gas station, & a computer store. How can you compost organics that have been polluted with toxic materials? Separating them would be impossible.

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