Comment 62670

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted April 25, 2011 at 19:54:54 in reply to Comment 62651

I must plead ignorance to the state run bank in North Dakota. Just what was it able to do to mitigate the meltdown in 2008?

When you refer to the system used during WWII are you referring to arbitrarily setting the value of the Canadian Dollar against other currencies? Canada did this in the very early years and during the two world wars and then again during much of the 1960's until during Trudeau's reign it was once again turned into a floating currency. Since all of the other major currencies (if not all of them) are allowed to float who do we peg our dollar to? The US? The Euro? The Ruble? Just why would we do this? What makes you think that is a better system? Can you imagine if our dollar were pegged to the US dollar when it crumbled? What would the price of gas be now? Even if you or the CAP wanted to do that what other country would take us seriously?

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