Comment 62662

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted April 25, 2011 at 16:58:30 in reply to Comment 62636

>> Is the point then that we should vote Liberal? I'm confused.

If you want a strong economy, vote for the party that will cut taxes, because over the long run, taxes will determine how much money they have to spend.

In Ontario, since 2003, taxes as a percent of GDP have gone from 15.06% of GDP to 18.05%. Health taxes, HST, etc. In that period of time, our real
GDP has averaged only 1.1% per year.

In contrast, Saskatchewan has cut their sales tax from 9% to 7% in 1997, to 5% in 2006. They have also cut income tax rates from 50% to 44%. Ontario's have stayed steady at 46% and so has our share of the HST , at 8%.

Even though Saskatchewan has cut tax rates, they have managed to pay down almost all of their debt, whereas our provincial debt continues to climb.

Perhaps this has to do with what it says in the Bible...

Matthew 13:12 (King James Version)

"For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath."

Maybe it is that when citizens get tax cuts, it produces the correct environment for even more tax cuts. Perhaps tax cuts, while allowing people to keep more of their money, also motivate people to work harder, which is what really creates the new found wealth.

Ask yourself this, who works harder and with more enthusiasm, the slave (taxes are a form of slavery), or the person who owns his own plot of land?

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