Comment 62451

By Kiely (registered) | Posted April 19, 2011 at 10:44:40 in reply to Comment 62437

Thanks Undustrial.

I read an article just this morning by David Korten that mentions, at least in very general terms, the key to us "all getting along".

Despite our differences, we all wanted the same things: healthy, happy children, families, and communities living in peace and cooperation in healthy natural environments. - David Korten

I have travelled the world quite extensively over the past 7 years and have made friends in the "four corners of the globe" and I have experienced the same thing Mr. Korten has. Unfortunately I still think differences in values shape opinions on how those things are achievable.

Your point about allowing our views to mingle in constructive ways is a good one. We don't all have to agree on everything. But how can we make those differences of opinion beneficial? Because they can be, after all "Only a fool wants to hear the echo of his own voice."

I'm not sure what the answer is. We need more people to tune into the fact we are all in this together. Cocooning yourself in a homogenous gated community or McMansion in some suburb, sheltered from societies undesirables while you consume to your heart's desire does not make you immune to the perils such a society creates. That can be a tough connection for people to make however. Based on current prominent societal values, there is simply nothing in it for them.

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