Comment 62445

By TedN (anonymous) | Posted April 19, 2011 at 09:42:26

Why am I ignorant? Or a troll for that matter? I simply think the dogmatic beating of a dead horse (the stadium) is getting old. Why is my opinion invalid? I used humour to point out something that even the most cursory of glances at this site will prove to be true. If you think that a bunch of people downvoting anything they disagree with until it disappears is some glowing celebration of political discourse then you've clearly been cooking too many bots this morning.

Also, the fact that Capital Idea actually knows where the Galley Pump is, and doesn't just ride his fixie (or Protege hatchback with a "coexist" bumper sticker) down to the North End to play bohemian for the afternoon means that his/her opinion is just as worthwhile as anyones here.

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