Comment 62371

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted April 16, 2011 at 13:10:12 in reply to Comment 62357

Dundas would be a very good example of a walkable downtown where jaywalking is pretty much expected. Coupled with two-way traffic and on-street parking, the frequent jaywalkers slow traffic and keep drivers alert. It's not a freeway (though it is a highway), and people don't expect to get anywhere quickly. People jump out in front of me nearly every time I cruise down there, but unlike Main West (on my way into Dundas) passing the University, I'm not going so fast it's impossible to stop when somebody does. So I hit the brakes, wait three seconds, and move on.

You could say the same of Concession, Ottawa, Locke, or Downtown Cambridge. All of which make our current downtown look like the set of some sort of Zombie movie(s). Jaywalking is always a feature of healthy, walkable communities. And while all of these places might be a slight pain to drive through, they're all worth driving to.

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