Comment 62270

By Briar Pipe (anonymous) | Posted April 14, 2011 at 15:05:26

April 14, 2011
Via eMail

The Hamilton Spectator
44 Frid Street, HAMILTON, Ontario L8N 3G3

Dear Editor,

Re: Odious to Everyone.

Why, as an Officially Nominated Candidate for Hamilton Centre, am being excluded on the Spectator “CANADA VOTES” Section?

And why does the Hamilton Spectator post and identify Karen Burson as the Green Party Candidate for Hamilton Centre when Elections Canada hasn’t confirmed her Nomination?

After writing to you yesterday, then visiting “Canada Votes” this morning, I couldn’t believe that you had still excluded me from the Listings. Then checking Elections Canada web site I was even more surprised to find that you were still listing the Greens when there was no Nominated Candidate in Hamilton Centre and yet, you still excluded myself and the Marijuana Party as Candidates for Hamilton Centre in your paper.

I would call that discriminatory journalism and would think, would be odious to everyone!

Be well and prosper,

In peace, bless us all

Reverend Brother Michael J. Baldasaro
Marijuana Party Candidate for Hamilton Centre


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