Comment 6226

By Ted Mitchell (registered) | Posted April 04, 2007 at 12:27:00

This morning I was driving behind a green minivan taking its sweet time. He stopped to wave three cars on Stanley to cross Locke Street. Fair enough you say, we need more considerate drivers like this.

Well, I was mortified, because unlike our minivan driver, I noticed some pedestrians about to cross Stanley on the west side of Locke. The cars he was about to let in front of him could not see these kids (his minivan blocked their view, a car wouldn’t have) or vice versa until the first car was halfway across Locke. Fortunately, it reacted quickly enough that nobody was hurt.

Moral: drivers notice cars but ignore pedestrians. You see this every day.

We are one death short of last year’s total and there are still 271 days left in the year. Not surprisingly, the Spectator and Hamilton Police just can’t help blaming the pedestrians. The carnage will continue.

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